The GR 100 website uses cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) for the correct functioning and visualization of the websites by the user, as well as the collection of statistics. Specifically, the following Cookies are used:

Cookie Temporality Ownership Functionality
ASP.NET_SessionId Temporary Own They are used to identify a user who has logged in to our website.
chkCookie Permanent Own Identifies the acceptance of the use of cookies for this session
MABSession Permanent Own Used to identify a logged in user
MAButm Permanent Own Used to identify a logged in user
MAButmh Permanent Own Used to identify a logged in user

GR 100 displays information about its Cookie Policy with each login so that you are aware.

Given this information, it is possible to carry out the following actions:

  • Accept cookies. This notice will not be displayed again when accessing any web portal page during this session.
  • Change the configuration. You can get more information about what cookies are, read the cookie policy of INCIBE and modify your browser settings to restrict or block the cookies of INCIBE at any time. If you restrict or block the cookies may reduce the functionality of the website.
  • Continue browsing or move through the scroll bar: in which case we consider that you accept their use.

You can restrict, block or delete cookies of GR 100 or any other web page, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different. The “Help” function will show you how to do it.

Internet Explorer:”ie-10″




In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:


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